12 Years Old
Age: 12
Abv: 43%
Place of purchase: BerlinBottle
Price: 27,87€
A fairly unknown distillery for me. I recognize the name, but that's about it. Well, there's nothing a little Googling doesn't fix. It seems that it's owned by Diageo and most of the production goes to blends such as J&B and Spey Royal. And it seems, that this is not so unknown distillery in France and Spain. It's fifth most sold Diageo in both countries according to That's enough info for one night, let's see what kind of whisky we have in the glass.

Nose: Fruity and sweet even wine like. Peaches and a hint of vanilla. After a while there's some oak notes also.
Taste: Sweet and fruity, so no surprises there after the nose. Quite hard to find any individual flavors. This is quite straightforward in it's style. Vanilla is taking over when given some time.
After: Smooth and creamy vanilla where the sweetness is giving some richness to it. Quite quickly it turns to oak and fades away. The after taste is quite short.
This is a basic 12 years old fruity whisky that price wise is usable in cocktails also. There are quite many whiskies on the same price category and I would choose this one if I wanted fruity and sweet single malt. Taste didn't offer anything special today, but this was a nice sipper while watching TV.
I've given up on the points for now. When I have returned to some reviews later on I've noticed that I feel differently about the points and that's probably my palate getting better. It's possible that I will get some kind of rating system later on, but for now we go without.